Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ULTIMO: The Ultimate Battle of Good Versus Evil :D

  Hey guys!! It's Liz reporting in with a review up mhy sleeve!  Karakuridouji Ultimo (ULTIMO) is created by both Hiroyuki Takei (author of Shamen King) and Stan LEE (MARVEL ARTIST SUPREME)- this is I believe the first time that east meets west in making manga together!! This manga is truly awesome if  I do say so myself-
  The main character in Yamato (as shown on the left).  He is currently a high schoolstudent in modern-day Japan.  This guy already has a trobled one-sided love-life, what could go worse, right? He is in love with a girl named Sayama and he currently lives with his mother in public housing. 
 This is Yamato's best friend, Rune, who is currently in love with Yamato, but Yamato doesn't realize Rune's feelings for him.  He is the son of a wealthy family and is an excellent student.  He soon becomes jealous of Sayama and becomes possessed by jealousy- which I shall explain right now!
Ultimo and Vice are karakuridoji-the ultimate embodiments of good and evil, devoid of human emotions that can cloud one's judgment.  Their are many other karakuridoji that manipulate poeple such as Jealousy, Vice, Greed, Pride, Wrath, Lust, and Gluttony.  The good karakuridoji consist of Discipline, Patience, Moderation, Diligence,Wisdom, andGenerosity. Their creator, Dr. Dunstan, created them inorder to see which was stronger, good or evil. Now here's the jist of the story: One day, Yamato crosses an antique store looking for a present for Sayama (his love), and a robot/puppet like thing in the store claims that he is connected to Yamato somehow from the past and that he is his "Master".  Bewildered and confused, Yamato doesn't know what to think!  Next thing you know, Vice (the bad guy) shows up and causes all sorts of trouble-
  Yamato was bonded with Ultimo (the embodiment of good) from centuries ago.  Yamato used to be a samurai bandit, and they are connected through fate!  Their are also many other karakuridoji masters of good and evil that you will meet along the way. The battle of the fate of the universe begins, and now who will win? Good or evil? STAY TUNED!!  This is truly a masterpiece behind the mastermind of Stan LEE and manga ka Hiroyuki Takei themselves!! I would give this series a 10/10 hands down!!  For great characters, action, and the art style is really awesome!

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